Student Board

Our student board is a group of college and high school students who share the goal of increasing awareness about HPV in our communities and around the country.

Riya Joshi

Director of HPV Informed, Sophomore at Princeton University

picture of student board member

When it was time for me to receive my HPV vaccine seven years ago, I was hesitant to receive “yet another shot” at the doctor’s office. However, I quickly learned that the vaccine can prevent cancer. Soon, I initiated my vaccination series and began learning more about HPV, the cancer it can cause, and how the vaccine works.

I started the HPV Informed Campaign during my senior year of high school after learning that HPV vaccination rates around the country are surprisingly low– only 62% of teens were up to date in 2021. Why are the immunization rates for a clinically proven cancer-prevention vaccine so low? Social stigma, missing the vaccination window, and a fear of the side effects are some of the factors responsible for suboptimal vaccination percentages.

Our campaign’s goal is to empower students around the country to learn about HPV, get the vaccine, and engage in healthy dialogue about preventing sexually transmitted diseases. Please email me at if you have any questions about the campaign, toolkit, or programs that we run.

Nayana Shah

High School Volunteer

My name is Nayana Shah, and I'm currently a Senior at Lane Tech College Prep in Chicago. My interests range from horseback riding to travel, which I pursue alongside my academics. With 13 years of equestrian experience, and my active involvement in Science Olympiad beyond the barn, I've had the chance to develop new skills and cultivate lasting friendships.

For students like me, HPV awareness matters because it equips us with the knowledge to safeguard our health, make responsible choices, and advocate for vaccination and screenings, ultimately preventing future health challenges. I am excited to help spread this knowledge to other students, ensuring they have the information needed to make educated choices about their health and well-being, and promoting a supportive community of awareness and prevention.

Amber Khan

High School Volunteer

student board member

My name is Amber Khan and I am a junior at Lincoln Park High School. Like most teens, my health class was never very helpful. No teacher ever taught me about what an STD or STI was, how to prevent it, and their symptoms. As most kids hate the doctors, the HPV vaccine is optional and seen as an “extra shot”, scaring most kids. I was never informed about what the HPV vaccine does or what HPV is and how it affects people. In populated CPS high schools, kids are unfortunately exposed to HPV without even knowing it. My goal is to spread awareness to keep you and everyone else safe and aware of HPV. I am super excited to be making a positive change in my community.

More bios coming soon!